Surveys are one of the best methods to get feedback about your product and understand the customer’s point of view. However, not every survey can get you the desired response. You need to phrase very specific survey questions that elicit the desired response from your audience. You need to make sure that you write good survey questions to get the best possible feedback. The key to writing good questions is to be aware of what you are expecting from that survey. It is extremely necessary that you write the questions accurately so as to get an overall good response.
A survey will always be incomplete without the presence of good survey questions. You need to be careful as to what kind of data you want to gather through this survey and design your questions keeping that in mind. Designing a random survey is just a waste of time as well as resources and won’t be of any use to you. Writing survey questions might seem like a simple task but involves a lot of aspects that need to be considered while writing survey questions.
Most companies make the mistake of overcomplicating their survey questions. What it means is that you shouldn’t ask too many things in a single question. You need to use simple sentences and be as clear as you can in what the question is trying to ask. For eg: ‘Did you like the clothes and footwear section of our shop and would you like to shop with us again?’ This question has combined too many questions into a single one and doesn’t allow the customers to answer in a certain way.The better way to do it is to split the question into different parts and avoid any overcomplications to make the question as clear as possible for the customer.
This is one of the best tips for writing good survey questions. Open-ended questions are typically more time-consuming and require some thinking on the part of the customer as compared to close-ended questions. It is a well-known fact that customers don’t want to take much effort to fill out surveys and too many open-ended questions result in an increase in dropout rates. Close-ended questions allow you to ask exactly what you need from the customer and are simple from the customer’s point of view as well. You should limit the use of open-ended questions and use them only when the situation requires them. For eg: A film screening survey might need more open-ended questions than a product feedback survey.
Leading questions refer to the questions which influence the customer towards something. However, it is not the right practice of conducting surveys and you should focus on maintaining an objective approach.
There are many questions in a survey that a respondent won’t feel comfortable answering. For that, you need to provide them with the liberty to skip those particular questions by not making them compulsory to answer. Too many compulsory questions in a survey result in incomplete surveys.
It is often noticed that many surveys ask the same thing through different questions. To maintain the attention of your customer, you need to avoid the repetition of questions. Answering the same thing more than once takes away the attention of the customer and results in a dropout. You need to ask different types of questions to get a complete response from your customer.
One of the major mistakes noticed in surveys is providing the respondents with a limited number of options. Respondents generally drop out of surveys when they get stuck on a single question for too long. You need to provide your respondents with different options so that they can choose from their preferred one. Providing a different set of options increases the overall probability of respondents answering the question and helps them choose answers in an objective manner.
Simplicity is one of the core elements of any good survey. If you look at any good survey, you’ll find that their most important aspect is their simplicity. So, you need to use simple language which can be easily understood by everyone. Along with that, avoid using any words which may lead to an emotional response in the respondent. It may lead to a bias in the mind of the respondent and harm the data of the survey.
Too long surveys bore the respondents and increase the dropout rates. You should keep your surveys to the point.
Reviewing your survey questions is equally important as writing good survey questions. It creates a really bad impression on the respondent if there's a mistake in your survey and will lead to an increase in dropout rates. A good survey can provide you with a lot of fruitful data and feedback. Follow these steps and see a change in your surveys in no time. If you know how to write good questions, you just need a proper system to channel your surveys in a systematic manner. Check out Survey2Connect for conducting your surveys in an efficient manner.